By day (and more frequently than I would like, by night), I am a project scientist and project coordinator working at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) in Potsdam. In the course of my academic training, I’ve thought about stable water isotopes, permafrost, sublimation, rockfalls, isotope fractionation, neutron spallation, and the trapping of negative muons in quartz. Currently I’m very occupied with tipping points. Beyond that, I’ve learned how, why, and when to ask questions, and (perhaps more excitingly), how to translate those questions into manageable research projects… in English, Python, and German.

My path to geochemistry and Earth surface processes was circuitous, and I still retain an interest in art, history, design, and creative writing, in addition to my scientific research. These topics feature on this site alongside my scientific work, reflecting their value in my life.

If something interests you, please don’t hesitate to be in touch.

You can view my academic CV here (hosted on Google Drive) or my short CV here.
